Saturday, December 8, 2007

Things are hard

I am tired. I am frustrated. Daze had another screaming fit when we put her to bed tonight, though she did go to sleep after awhile. But... I don't know. Things don't feel right. I don't feel confident about my mothering. I want to wean, but instead, she seems to be nursing more than ever. Today I know I nursed once in the morning, three times during the day, and once at night--because she demanded it and then started throwing a tantrum when I resisted. I want to wean her, at this point. But it just isn't happening "organically," the way I know it's happened for other people. It's a problem, because I can't get her to sleep anymore with nursing, and she won't accept a bottle from me. She screams, "Nurse! Nurse!" and writhes till she can get into the nursing position. So other people can get her to sleep more easily than I can, because she'll accept a bottle from them (from Mark or from my mother). Oh yes--and I'm supposed to be weaning her from the bottle, too. Ha.

This is not a good time of my life.


Anonymous said...

It may very well be that when you wean Daisy, it doesn't happen "organically," whatever that means. (I'm trying to remember how our kids were weaned. I know at least one of them was just told, "You know what? We're done.") It may also be that you have an unhappy Daisy for a little while, while you both learn other ways to comfort and be comforted. Maybe you can substitute something else? We found blankies are great for that. Either way, there may be a period of time where there's crying involved. I can tell you from experience that it feels longer than it is, and eventually it does go away.

Lola said...

Thank you, Matt. Personally, I love "You know what? We're done!" I want to say it every single day and lack the nerve. I definitely need a substitute. She's been getting more and more attached to various stuffed animals lately. But, as you said, there is going to be crying involved no matter what. Apparently, there just is no real substitute for stuffing a boob in your face.... a sentiment I find very, very hard to understand, personally!

Anonymous said...

My first thought is that maybe now is not a good time to wean her, because it seems there's a lot going on right now with the sleeping problems and maybe other developments, that is making her turn to nursing even more than usual. Maybe it would be easier to let her rely on that "crutch" until she--and you--get to an easier place. Solving sleeping problems and weaning at the same time seems overwhelming to me.
Then again, if the nursing demands are one of the things most stressing you out, then maybe that IS the thing to deal with first...
What do I know, after all?