Sunday, January 20, 2008

Rough days

Thank you for the last comments, on Daisy's sleeping problems, everyone! They were very much appreciated and helpful, too. We put a mattress down next to Daisy's crib and we've had some luck with that, and moving her crib into our room seems like a possibility, too.

Well, we've had different troubles lately. Daisy came down with an itchy and uncomfortable rash that turned out to be Gianotti Crosti syndrome. She had hive-like red bumps on her knees and feet, especially, but also all over her legs, some in her diaper area and on her face, and big clusters on the backs of her hands. It took three trips to the doctor to get a secure diagnosis and treatment plan. Just when the discomforts and disruptions caused by the Gianotti Crosti illness seemed to be subsiding, she's gotten sick again, and just a few days before the start of school for us. She is extremely congested and has coughing fits every time we put her down in her crib. Last night she vomited everywhere, and she's thrown up three times today already-- twice in smaller amounts, and one huge one. We've had to buy more crib sheets because we can't keep up with the laundry. And the poor girl has not napped or slept well for days. I think I have the same sickness, but it's not hitting me as hard.

I am feeling worried.


Anonymous said...

Oh gosh -- poor Daisy! Poor you! Sending hugs your way.

Mita said...

Oh lola. Thinking of you.