Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Daisy at 16 months

Daisy had a doctor's checkup yesterday. She weighs 20 pounds, 9 oz (up to the 10th percentile) and is 30.5 inches tall (37th percentile). I had to say she was not yet walking very steadily, but the funny thing is that after the appointment (whilst waiting to get called back for her shots) she started tearing around the waiting room, walking more than I've ever seen her do and getting farther away from me than she's ever gone out in a public place. So--she is close. Very close.

The funny thing was that the Kaiser pamphlet said that our child "may be ready to say 3-10 words" and "express desires by grunting." I told the doctor that she speaks at least 300 words (and it may be more), puts together phrases and sentences of 2-3 words, and counts (to nine, although she usually leaves a few numbers out). I forgot to mention that she can say a few words of three syllables, such as "animals." And she doesn't do too much grunting to express her desires. She says, "Read, help, snack, nurse, baba, bath, nap," and a whole bunch of other words that let us know what she wants, including an emphatic "No!" which is very charming. Our doctor, who is very nice, said that was very impressive but I'm not sure she believed me. She seemed to think this would be very unusual if it were true. But it is true. And it's a good thing, since she's been so late in developing gross motor skills! The doctor asked if she knew any body parts and I said she knows all of them. I felt like a smart-ass student kissing up to the teacher by pretending to know all the answers. Oh well.

Her sleeping has been all altered terribly since our Thanksgiving trip. She woke up twice last night screaming and just now had a nap of the glorious duration of 30 minutes. I am tired. Now I have to go prevent her from re-programming my cell phone. Bye!


Anonymous said...

Perhaps she will be a girl after my own heart, who is picked last in gym while writing a novel in her head.


Anonymous said...

I find it humorous that after being told Daisy knows 300 words, the doctor asked whether Daisy knows any body parts. It does seem a sign of skepticism.

Lola said...

True! I hadn't thought of that, but it's kind of funny. The body parts bit did come after my explanation of the 300 words.

Right now, there is only one word I care about: SLEEP. If only I could convince her of the value of this word and the concept it represents. Unfortunately, she has been having a terrible night for the last 7 nights. I am in bad shape.